Tag Archives: Church

Service Times & Locations

Church located 15 km NE of Watrous on #668.

Sunday School For All Ages: 10:00 AM
Worship Service: 11:00 AM

Emails and Phone Numbers

Church Office
Phone Number: 306-946-3785
102-5th Ave W. Watrous Sk

Pastor: Darren Holland

Email: philadelphia.darren@sasktel.net

Pastor: Nathan McCorkindale
Email: philadelphia.nathan@sasktel.net

Admin Assistant: Ruth Kornelsen
Email: philadelphia.office@sasktel.net

Church Location:
15 Km NE of Watrous on Hwy #668
GPS Co-ordinates: N51°44’11.8” and W105°19’00.1”


What is with the name Philadelphia?

Please don’t be too confused! No we aren’t located in Pennsylvania, and no we don’t wish we were from Philly.  Our name goes back farther than the 1600’s.  Maybe you have heard that the city Philadelphia’s nickname is “the city of brotherly love.”  That’s actually what the name means in Ancient Greek.  Before there was a city in Pennsylvania there was another city called Philadelphia in Asia Minor.  In the book of Revelation we read what Jesus said to that city, “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” (Rev 3:7-8).  We are named after this church that sought to be faithful to Jesus in all things, and to be a place where our love for each other is evident.

What is Mennonite Brethren? And can anyone come?

Mennonite Brethren is a worldwide Evangelical Anabaptist denomination that we are a part of.  For more on what that means and our history check here.  But no! You don’t have to be Mennonite to come to our church.  We have people from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds attending our church (in fact neither of our pastors are ethnically Mennonite).  We also have lots of people who attend that come from a diverse denominational background as well (Catholic, Apostolic, Baptist, Mennonite Church, United Church and more).  You are welcome to come and check us out no matter what you believe (or don’t believe).

Does it cost anything to come to service or program?

NO! With the exception of some special events there is no cost for the programs that we offer.   You, your children, your long lost second cousin can all come anytime and there is no obligation or fee for what we do.  You don’t have to pay for SonFun, Youth, Bible Studies or anything else.  If you are in church on Sunday morning we will take up an offering, but you don’t have to give anything if you don’t want to.  That is just a time when the regular attenders of our church worship God by giving back some of what we have been given.  You can do that if you want, but you certainly don’t have to (and don’t worry, no one will look at you funny if you just pass it on).

What do you believe?

The best answer to that is to check out the MB Conference Confession of Faith Here.  But the short answer is that we believe that God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to show the world God’s love and save it from its brokenness (John 3:16-17).  As those who believe in Jesus we are committed to living out our lives in love and service of Christ.  We use the Bible as our guide for how we live and let it shape us. For our churches mission statement click Here.

What should I wear to church?

There is no dress code for a Sunday morning. Some people like to wear a suit and others like shorts and flip flops.  And on game day there is a lot of green and white to be seen.